Lester Luborsky Student Poster Award
The sixth Lester Luborsky Student Poster Award competition will be held at the 2015 SPR conference in Philadelphia, USA. Three student poster prizes will be awarded - first place $500.00, second place $300.00 and third place $200.00. An international jury of SPR members will select the most inventive and scientifically convincing studies that also demonstrate excellence in poster design.
To be eligible for participation the student must be:
- The first author of the presentation.
- Available to present during the poster session.
- Prepared to demonstrate their student status with appropriate documentation if asked to doso by the Student Poster Award committee chair.
- The poster must have been accepted by the program committee for the meeting in Philadelphia in 2015.
The poster must be sent (a .pdf file) to the award committee chairperson, Claudio Martinez – Claudio.martinez@mail.udp.cl by the deadline of MAY 14, 2015
Award Committee Members: Claudio Martinez, Rolf Holmquist, Heidi Levitt, Jeremy Halstead